Thursday, January 25, 2007

Arms of Love

When do you feel closest to God?

I usually feel the closest when I worship. It doesn't matter if I'm in my car singing along with a P&W CD, in corporate worship or at home playing my guitar. That is when I feel most connected. That is when tears come to my eyes. That is when I feel awe struck.

How about you? Is is time spent in silence, praying, journaling, helping others???


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Myth Busted!

On a recent episode of MythBusters, the crew tried to beat a motion-detector alarm. They tried all sorts of crazy things to beat the alarm. Nothing worked until they tried a simple white bed sheet. That's right, a bed sheet. They held the sheet up high over their heads.

Last night Kelly and I were at my parent’s house for dinner. They just got an alarm system set up in their house. Motion detectors were put in all over the house. They had the day to test it out. So of course I wanted to set it off.

Kelly reminded me about Mythbusters. So I went and got a white bed sheet to test it out myself. My mom set the alarm and I got in place. I walked through the entire room without the motion detector sensing me.

I dropped the sheet when I got to the other side of the room and the alarm went off. Myth busted!!!

It was a fun little experiment.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!

Can you believe it's 2007??? I hope everyone has a good start to the year.

If you have a couple minutes check out Shannon and Elliot's site. I put a video together for them from they day Trent was born and Elliot posted it to their site.

It's 18 minutes long so get comfy.


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