Monday, October 23, 2006

Foreign Substance

Sunday night Kenny Rodgers pitched a gem of a game. He allowed only 2 hits in 8 innings. However, Cardinal hitters noticed the pitches were doing funny things and thanks to High Definition television everyone saw why. He had a "foreign substance" on his pitching hand.

What is a "foreign substance"? In this case I'm thinking it was pine tar. It could be anything. I've heard of a pitcher using Preparation H...gross!!!

What does a "foreign substance" do to a pitch? It makes a curve ball curve more. It makes a cut fast ball have more cut to it. It basically amplifies the spin on the ball.

Why do this? I don't know. Maybe he thought he needed an edge up on the batters.

What's crazy is after he washed his hands in between innings he was more dominant.

This pitching performance is something legends are made of. A 41 year old pitcher throwing a 2 hitter in the World Series. No one is talking about the gem. They are talking about the "foreign substance."

It's just too bad.


At October 25, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll admit, I have enjoyed watching the last two games. Actually last nights game was terriable. LOST wins' tonight though...sorry Tigers.


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